【主演演員】:Sofia Karemyr / Simon J. Berger / Josefin Asplund / Pernilla August / Anders Beckman / Sven Nordin / David Dencik / Hanna Ullerstam / Sverrir Gudnason / Maria Alm Norell / Lena B. Eriksson / Jade Viljamaa / Julia Lindblom / Eddie Hulten / Tobias Ekelund.
影片背景設置在20世紀70年代後期,一個關於婦女解放、性開放、瑞典中立政策(Swedish neutrality)、核能開發以及社會保障的時代。影片圍繞兩條線索展開,一條處在社會的底層,黑暗的窮街陋巷當中,另一條則生在光鮮奪目的上流社會。電影受到了當時在瑞典引起很大震動的“Bordellh.rvan醜聞事件”的啟發,當時,許多在社會上和政界有頭有臉的人物被牽涉到一起雛妓賣淫事件當中。
Call Girl is set in the late 1970s - a time time of women's liberation, sexual revolution, Swedish neutrality, nuclear power and social security. The film takes us on a trip from the very bottom of society, along dark back streets, through glitz and glamour, to the corridors of power which are a labyrinth of secrets. The story is inspired by a Swedish political scandal known as Bordellharvan which linked underage prostitution with powerful customers believed to come from the highest levels of society..........
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